The Church of

St. John the Evangelist

At the cutting edge of Tradition
& a resource for the wider Church

HIS own SELF bare our sins in HIS own BODY on the Tree

Welcome to St. John’s

Founded in 1861, St. John’s is a distinct and loving community in the heart of Montreal, centered around the Anglo-Catholic Eucharistic tradition. We are committed to serving God in ‘the beauty of holiness’ through ritual, word, and music. ‘Openness to all’ is a fundamental characteristic of the parish. Such openness brings together people from a broad spectrum of origins, opinions, and life experiences, making the congregation diverse, interesting, and stimulating. We hope that your experience in our church brings you peace and joy.

Sunday Services

Matins — 9:45 AM
High Mass — 10:30 AM

Weekday Masses

Monday — 5:45 PM
Tuesday — 5:45 PM (en français)
Thursday — 5:45 PM
Saturday — 12:00 PM

The rood screen looking into the chancel toward the high altar. The rood screen includes a crucifix and the text "His own self bare our sins in His Body on the Tree".
The three sacred ministers lift the Blessed Sacrament at the invitation to communion.

That we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness

This week at the Red Roof

By WHOSE Stripes ye were healed