Getting back on track for fall

Autumn is an ideal time for taking on new habits and activities. The rich and clear sunlight helps us to see the world with greater clarity, while the fresh breeze will, we hope, sweep away the humidity and resulting mental torpor.

This can go to our heads. Fueled by a new-found energy and enthusiasm, we may take on more obligations than we can sustain during the long, dark months of winter. Making a list of what attracts us, and then taking the time to review it with discernment before making a commitment, may prevent us from over-extending ourselves. As a dear friend from the United Church once said to me, with a twinkle in her eye, Anglicans are always in discernment.

Bearing this in mind, here at St John’s, we are faced with a wide range of volunteer opportunities. Here are some suggestions:

• Liturgy: preparing our church for Mass, greeting people as they enter, reading the Prophecy (the first passage, from the Hebrew Scriptures), serving at the altar, tidying up afterwards.

• Hospitality: taking a turn at hosting Coffee Hour, assisting with serving potluck suppers and fundraising events, or helping to clean up afterwards, introducing ourselves to newcomers and making them welcome.

• Caring for our building: participating as work bees to clean and tidy the grounds and gardens, making small repairs to the church.

We each have our particular gifts and skills, which we can offer to our community as our schedules permit. By offering them, we help build up the body of Christ in this place.


One Altar, One Sacrament, and One Body


Resisting the “fast food” of monocultures