Fear not : for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people
News for our Friends
The Church of St. John the Evangelist is grateful to all of our Friends who would like to follow our news.
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Helping Hands: The Guild of St. Jude at Work
Recently, the Guild of St. Jude, led by Father Marc-Philippe Vincent, began repairing the stairs. Broken slabs were removed, foundations were cleaned and reinforced with concrete, and the steps put back into place.

Seeing Beyond the Veil
Perhaps my weakness requires the use of bells and incense and vestments to help me see beyond the temporal into the eternal. So be it.

Faith, Hope and Full Steam Ahead
We have a positive new motto to inspire us: grieve, then get going: a new location, fresh opportunities, sustainable traditions. On the evidence, many highly motivated people have indeed got going.

Relax, Reflect and Support
At St. John’s, the festival season is almost back to normal after our COVID-19 hiatus, and the Jazz Festival has moved into our parish hall and former mission space for the duration.

Remembering Beth Reed
Beth was the very embodiment of the laity doing its part to bring about the heavenly kingdom.

The Guild of St. Jude
Members of the Guild of St. Jude are parishioners but also Friends of Saint John’s, people who are not members of our community, but want to help it remain open and active.

Good Grief
With time, as we gather to worship, we are sustained by the support of our fellow Christians and the hope of the resurrection of the dead. Thanks be to our loving and merciful God.

A warm welcome to our friends close and far
Jesus’ ministry, particularly in the Gospel of John, can be seen as revolving around friendship. Jesus does not just talk the talk of friendship; he lives it out in His life and death.
Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour which is CHRIST the LORD