Weekly Schedule

I was glad when they said unto me : we will go into the house of the LORD

Weekly in-person services

All services at St. John’s are drawn from the Book of Common Prayer (1962).

Sunday Services

Matins* — 9:45 AM
High Mass — 10:30 AM

*Morning Prayer

Weekday Masses

Monday — 5:45 PM
Tuesday* — 5:45 PM (en français)
Thursday* — 5:45 PM
Saturday — 12:00 PM

*Preceded by Evensong at 5:15 PM

The gifts of bread and wine, in the ciborium and flagon respectively, at the offertory before being brought to the altar.

Weekly online events

Compline & Conversation, 7:30 PM

Bible Study, 7:00 PM

The three sacred ministers process on Easter morning, the priest sprinkling the people from the aspersorium during the Vidi Aquam.

Our feet shall stand in thy gates : O Jerusalem