Come unto ME all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest
Come visit us
Whether you are a lifelong Anglo-Catholic, a newcomer curious about Christianity, an enthusiast for church architecture, looking for a space to rent for performances and rehearsals just steps away from the Place-des-Arts metro station, or are simply a neighbour of that Montreal church with the red roof, St. John’s is here to welcome and serve you.
Our location
137 President Kennedy Avenue
Montreal, QC, H2X 3P6
We are located immediately next to the Place-des-Arts metro station (Green Line; UQAM exit). We are also easy to reach on the 55 bus line (St-Urbain / President Kennedy).
Take MY yoke upon you and learn of ME for I AM meek and lowly in heart
Our church is your church
St. John’s stands in the Anglo-Catholic tradition of bringing the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ, to the city core. We believe that the beauty and timelessness of Christian ritual in worshipping God elevates and dignifies every individual, and that serving the local community in this way is a necessary expression of Christian love. Our building, our presence in downtown Montreal, and our parish life together are open to anyone and everyone.
To inquire about prayer, baptism, confession, confirmation, weddings, or funerals, please contact our Priest-in-Charge, Fr Marc-Philippe Vincent.
To rent church facilities for performances, meetings, or other community events, see our Rental page.
And ye shall find rest unto your souls for MY yoke is easy and MY burden is light