Making Room: An Advent Reflection

And she brought forth her first-born son... and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. (Luke 2:7)

I began my preparations for Advent by writing a sermon for the first Sunday of the season. It speaks of the need to make room for Jesus to be born anew in our hearts, and to quiet our distracted minds so we can await our risen Lord’s coming again. As I rehearsed my homily, I wondered how I could speak these words with integrity. With this concern whirring away in background processing, I sat down to work.

It was not long before the Holy Spirit, who is attentive to the prayers of preachers, sent me a clear message. My black kitten Sébastien, curled up contentedly in my lap, wriggled into a different position. He was now stretched out perpendicularly across my legs, quatre pattes en l’air, eyes closed. His head lolled slowly back towards the floor. At the other end, his tail began to droop. He had attained a state of total relaxation, openness and trust. Sébastien had made room for my affection, and as I stroked his furry little belly my racing mind slowed down. I breathed deeply and gave thanks to God.

Each of us, in our own way, can find a method to calm ourselves and allow the season of Advent to do its work. At St. John’s, the Procession with Lessons and Carols provides an excellent alternative to year-end frenzy. We hear the words of the prophets, and how God’s wisdom guides us, and the resounding and courageous “yes” which young Mary said to God. We sing and listen to music of sublime gentleness and beauty. And then, of course, we feast, extending hospitality to all worshippers. I wish you and your loved ones every blessing as we make room for the event that changes everything; the birth of baby Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Wendy +


46 Years and Counting at the Church of St. John the Evangelist


Bishop James’ Visit