Parish Archives
Peter F. McNally (Chair, Archives Committee)
On Sunday, July 28, a new storage facility for the St. John the Evangelist Parish Archives was inaugurated in the crypt under the church, with a formal blessing by the Rector, Fr. Keith Schmidt. As the ceremony occurred after morning Mass, a large number of parishioners were in attendance.
Peter McNally (center) with Normand Bourque and Glenn Brown
The facility was funded by The Edmund Wood Foundation, whose President – Glenn Brown – thanked parishioners for their attendance, and extended particular thanks to Normand Bourque and to the much-missed Andrew 'Drew' Graham-Smith for constructing the facility. Before work could begin on construction, Drew and Normand had to build a new closet for the vestments worn by the Servers during Mass, demolish the old one, remove the existing flooring, and construct new secured shelving. Storage space for future growth was part of the design, which was greatly appreciated by the late Peter Harper, the parish’s official historian. His extensive records on St. John’s were the first major donation for the new facility.
Following the Blessing, the Foundation hosted a reception for parishioners in the Parish Hall. Thanks are extended to Sheila Fletcher-Garner for catering and organizing this event.
Drew Graham-Smith and Normand Bourque, 2013