
The Happy essay by Mtr. Wendy reflects her Christian Joy in living. I have enjoyed Her Services these last two weeks because they have had a Serenity, Quietness, Deep Faith, and relaxed Atmosphere which infected all; never have the Servers looked so relaxed and with us; usually they look like Romans with a severe arrogance towards the Congregation who better bow and behave!

I also will miss those who have gone to new fields in which to serve Christ. But Christians always live forward towards the final arrival with Christ and the welcoming of new People into our Community of Faith. It is a thrill to see our new people expand and relax as their Faith Grows in their Hearts and Minds.

Let us keep the Happiness of the Jazz Mass, the Joy of the Bishop's visit, and Service and the Fun of the People who have left us in our Church in the years ahead.



Change, continuation and adaptation

