It has been a rather long and hard winter. Needless to say, a few days in late February and in early March of spring-like temperatures seems to have put a smile on many people’s faces.
June and July might have been the beginning of summer, but there was no break in the rhythm here at St. John’s. June began with the Feast of Pentecost, the second most important festival in the Church calendar, which was followed by Trinity Sunday, and by Corpus Christi on Thursday June 15.
Summer is often a time of travel and of weddings. This summer, I was invited to participate in a marriage in Victoria, B.C.
Tales of Ecclesiastical Adventures
We have a beautiful church in which to worship God, built by previous generations. Many churches are only used on Sundays. But that has never been true of us.
Advent and Christmas are seasons of hope. The birth of a child in any family brings with it the expectation of the continuation of life.
I have reflected on these words of Jesus following our Lenten and Easter celebrations. And, indeed, we had an excellent Lenten program organized by Fr. Alain Brosseau on Wednesdays, which was very well attended, and also good Easter celebrations.
Business may not be next to godliness, but it gives a pretty good impression of it in much of our culture. And yet we all need a time of rest, a Sabbath.
Do you ever have those occasions when you wonder whose side God is on? Even clergy occasionally ask such a question.

We have had at least two exciting developments this autumn! The first was the visit of The Rt. Rev’d James Almasi, Bishop of the Diocese of Montreal’s companion Diocese of Masasi in Tanzania in East Africa. He was here for our commemoration of the canonization of John Henry Newman on the Thanksgiving Weekend.